At Banovallum School our pastoral responsibility for our students is one of our utmost priorities.
We aim to play a part in the prevention of abuse and neglect, through our own safeguarding policies, and through the curriculum. Our school community maintains a safe environment for students and is able to sensitively and directly manage situations where there are child welfare concerns.
We help students to understand what is and what is not acceptable behaviour for them to experience, and we teach them about staying safe from harm, and how to speak up if they have worries or concerns. The curriculum also plays a preventative role in preparing children and young people for their future responsibilities as adults, parents and citizens.
Section 175 of the Education Act (2002) states:
A local education authority shall make arrangements for ensuring that the functions conferred on them in their capacity as a local education authority are exercised with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children
Please watch the video link here for online safety information from the Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children's Board. You can read our policy for more information.
To make contact by email, please use the [email protected] address. This email is monitored through the day and communications are sent to the relevant staff members/teams throughout the working day.
Contacting individuals runs the risk that the specific staff member contacted may be involved in onsite or offsite activity that prevents them accessing their email inbox. This is the reason that individual emails are not shared on this page.
If you wish to request the communication be forwarded to a specific individual please mark it 'FAO/For the attention of *their name/s*.
If the matter you wish to share relates to safeguarding please place this in the email subject or mark 'FAO safeguarding team'. Here is a checklist that will assist you if you need to report a safeguarding concern.
The Safeguarding Team members are:
Mr D Marriott - Designated Safeguarding Lead and Acting Deputy Head Teacher
Miss J Gray - Designated Safeguarding Deputy
Mrs J Kirkwood - Head Teacher
Miss V Rutter - SENDCO and First Aid