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Banovallum School

Friends of Banovallum

As parents/carers of children attending the school, we are all automatically part of The Friends of Banovallum School – and this also extends to grandparents, friends and ex-parents/pupils.

Any funds raised are used to benefit the children, including subsidising school trips and purchasing items not provided by government funding.

We currently have two key methods of fundraising:

Banovallum School - Co-Op Community Champion

Monthly Regular Giving

Making a small donation by a standing order from your bank not only helps provide a steady flow of funds needed by the Friends, but if you are a UK tax payer it also allows us to claim back the tax on the donations using the Gift Aid process. This substantially increases the amount raised without costing you a penny more. That means if you were to donate £2 a month, we could actually receive £30 over the year instead of £24.
The minimum donation is £2 per month but if you would like to give more, please feel free to do so. When you have completed the attached form, please send it to The Friends of Banovallum School via the school and we will do the rest.

We are also very happy if you prefer to just set up a standing order with your bank without using our form, although this would mean that we couldn’t claim any tax back via Gift Aid if eligible.

If you have any further questions, please contact the school office.

Easy Fundraising

Easy Fundraising is the UK’s biggest charity shopping fundraising site. It’s simple to use and it’s free.

Just visit the website here and select Banovallum School Horncastle as your cause. Then start shopping online as normal and the retailers make a small donation our cause.

As always, we thank you for your continued support.


If you want to contact Friends of Banovallum, please send an email to

Chair - Mrs Nicola Powell

Secretary - Mrs Sally Hiatt

Treasurer - Mrs Jane Slaymaker


This area will show all documents uploaded to the /docs/FOBS folder.

Documents in folders containing the word 'letter' or 'minute' are listed in the order they were uploaded, most recent upload at the top. Otherwise, documents are listed alphabetically.

This area will show all documents uploaded to the /docs/FOBS folder.

Documents in folders containing the word 'letter' or 'minute' are listed in the order they were uploaded, most recent upload at the top. Otherwise, documents are listed alphabetically.

This area will show all documents uploaded to the /docs/FOBS folder.

Documents in folders containing the word 'letter' or 'minute' are listed in the order they were uploaded, most recent upload at the top. Otherwise, documents are listed alphabetically.


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