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Banovallum School


Welcome to Banovallum School

I am very proud to be Head Teacher of Banovallum School, leading a team of dedicated staff and working with families to ensure our wonderful students have the best educational opportunities.

The Banovallum School has served Horncastle and its surrounding villages for over 60 years. We provide a friendly, caring and secure environment in which children are valued and achieve their full potential. Our curriculum is knowledge and skills rich and ambitious for all.

We set a high standard for pupils in all aspects of school life. We ask that all pupils aim high, aspire to succeed, and achieve their potential. In short that they – Aim, Aspire & Achieve. This is relevant for those beginning their journey in year seven and remains pertinent to the pupils as they work through our year groups, developing themselves as learners. For those approaching the end of their time at school we hope they maintain the ambition within this motto as they move into further education and the working world.

Students at Banovallum work hard and are supported by a high standard of pastoral care. We have a thriving house system and students are rewarded for their achievements and endeavours. Outcomes and milestones are celebrated, and students find a sense of connection with learning and belonging in their school. Banovallum students are smart, caring and humble and have time in the school to develop passion and interest for their learning.

Our school sits at the heart of the community and places emphasis on relationships with pupils, parents and wider society. The school is caring and inclusive and our staff work hard to provide the right balance of support and challenge to ensure pupils have good academic outcomes and build their capacity as confident citizens in their local, national and global communities.

MrS J KIRKWOOD | Headteacher   

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